Here is some art I've made

ok this one is called "Hysteric" i was thinking really heavily about my reactions to difficulties and the tendency to become really selfish when i feel i am facing any type of struggle no matter how difficult. I read somewhere in a psychology class that when people are lonely they tend to isolate despite their need to socialize- and lose capabilities to actually socialize. and i think about this past month of feeling bad for myself and lowkey ignoring a lot of bigger things around me because i felt like i deserved to spoil myself through my loathing. but like i said there were other things going on around me. i think also i was thinking heavily about how all my art is self loathing and i get really insecure about it because i feel like i should be focused on other things but never do. i guess this piece was me giving into my loathing and letting myself be a drama queen. all my friends are activists and focus heavily on others and building community. and as much as i love that too and consider it to be a part of my personality i need to realize that my self loathing is also a part of my personality and there is a space for both as long as you are self aware. you know like im not gonna beat myself up for drinking a whole bottle of wine because a boy didn't listen to me when i said no-- thats a part of me! but it is also a part of me to provide for my friends and be around for them, and listen to them, and buy them beer, and educate myself on world events. like im not a bad anarchist! im just a good drama queen

^this one is called what doesnt kill you stomps you flat, this was done with my friend sorel its casted aluminum i am currently being stomped flat

^ this one is called peace on dot com

^this is a puppet i made from wood! it is called "An Angel Named Mr. I Love You"

update: i finally edited the photo- this one is called "if you wanna be a martyr, try harder" titled after the Braid lyrics

this is a piece i welded it is a big gaping maw with rope tied around it to carry it. i call it "if you want to be a martyr, try harder" because it is a visual representation of the mentality i put myself through when i try to better myself- my bad habits are big and could eat me, but i'm still gonna put this rope around them and try to do what i can to keep them at bay

this piece with my friends in it for size reference- a little over 4 feet tall- it is hard to see i orginially cropped it out with a green background but forgot to save it before i added more in and messed around with the original crop of it- i'm still mentally preparing myself to reedit that photo so i can have just the piece with the green background.

this is from my intro to ceramics class it's all about embracing the process of creating and the way you feel during that process and finding a home in it.

also here is my online comics portfolio
here is the anthology publication i edit